报告地点:图东环楼 304 报告厅
张一威,男,华中科技大学研究员,工作重心集中在非线性动力系统现代理论及其与统计物理、概率论、信息论、控制论,图论等多个数学,计算科学分支的交叉与融合。研究成果涉及遍历优化、热力学机制、几何测度论、刻画细胞生物现象以及天体运行的数学机制等多个方向。自2012年10月获得博士以来,其先后主持了智利国家Fondecyt基金一项,国家自然科学基金三项,教育部直属高校外籍文教专家年度聘请计划一项,并参与瑞典国家自然科学基金一项,英国国家EPSRC自然科学基金一项。截止目前,其研究成果已发表在包括Int.Mathem.Res.Notes,Ergodic Theory Dyn.Syst.,Biophys. J.等国际权威期刊发表14篇论文,其研究成果受到如Invent. Math.,SIAM Review等世界顶级杂志中文献的引用。
(第一场,上午 10:30—11:30)报告题目:Understanding physical mixing processes via transfer operator approach
Industrial and chemical mixing processes of various kinds occur throughout nature and are vital in many technological applications. In the context of discrete dynamical systems, the transfer operator approach has been shown as a powerful tools from both theoretic and numerical view point. In this talk, I will use a toy model (i.e., the one dimensional stretch and fold map) as an example to provide a brief introduction on the relationships between the spectral properties of the associated transfer operator and the estimations of the optimal mixing rate of the mixing process. Moreover, I will address how the optimal mixing rate varies according to the stretch and fold map has "cutting and shuffling" behaviour (i.e., composing with a permutation). If time permits, I will also talk about how to interpret this problem to the eigenvalue estimations for the Random bi-stochastic matrices (free probability theory) and the locations of poles of the dynamical zeta function.
遍历优化中的周期遍历优化猜想最早是由美国马里兰大学B.Hunt与E.Ott教授于1996年提出,是物理中最小作用原理在动力系统中的体现。更具体的说,对于一个给定的混沌动力系统,对普遍的足够光滑的观测函数,达到最小的状态(最优化测度)是唯一且支撑在周期轨道上。对于一致扩张意义的动力系统,对于拓扑意义下的Lipschitz光滑观测函数,Hunt-Ott猜想于2015年被墨西哥科学院院士G.Contreras教授证明,并发表于Inventiones Mathematicae。在此次报告将介绍概率版本意义下的Hunt-Ott猜想,同时揭示其与组合优化理论,概率论中的渗流理论,以及哈密尔顿系统中Aubry-Mather理论的相关联系。